Wednesday, December 17, 2008

8 Months Old

I cannot believe my little Ava is already 8 months old.

She is the baby of all the babies in my group of friends and now that she is crawling and pulling up it just makes her feel so... grown up. She is such a joy now... laughs at so much, is always happy, waves hi and bye, says "dada" non-stop (no mama yet, boo!), crawls, pulls up, loves playing with her sister and cousins and is just becoming such a big baby girl.

Mike and I are so blessed to have such another beautiful little girl... and we have been so lucky that she is such a easy baby (knock on wood). She has been sleeping through the night since she was a couple months old (7pm-7am) and loves napping on a regular schedule. She is always happy and content with whatever we do. I just adore and love her so much. And hope and pray that she continues to be so laid back and easy... even through those tough 2 and 3 year old stages, haha, hey, a mom can dream, right?!

My sweet little Aba. :)
(more pictures to come)


Paige said...

She is so precious! her personality reminds me a lot of Emma. Especially the sleeping and saying dada:) miss her so much..wish I was there to watch her grow:(..but pictures will do for now.

Jaidean said... cute is she?!!? They grow too fast!