Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Incredibly Proud!

My little brother, Kevin, is becoming a man.

Early this morning, Kevin shipped off to basic training. He joined the Army.

I can't believe my little brother is now a American soldier. We are all so incredibly proud of him and support him 110%. I think he has made a very curagious decision and is truely becoming a man. He is such a funny, fun loving, very smart, super handsome guy. The Army is lucky to have him join their forces. He will do nothing but make them proud. Just like he has done with his family.

And don't mind the same location as the M family. Kevin tagged along on that shoot so I could snap some pictures of him afterwards. :)


Paige said...

very nice! Kevin made a great decision, and he will make his family proud. Way to go Kevin!

Kim said...

Good for him! And can't wait to road trip to see him at Ft. Wood.