Thursday, April 3, 2008

Meet Our Newest Addition...

Ava Juliet Harms
April 1, 2008
3:18 p.m.
6 pounds 11 ounces
20.5 inches long

It's a girl!

And she is finally here! We couldn't be more blessed!

Ava is perfect! The labor and delivery went very quick (2.5 hours) and the birth was very easy, I couldn't be happier and luckier. God has truly blessed our family.

Allison is in love with her litte sister, which is good to see!

We were lucky to only have to be in the hospital for 24 hours and are now home, recovering and adjusting to life with two. There will be many more pictures to come, no need to worry about that.


mary carstens said...

congrats! your family is beautiful!