Sunday, March 16, 2008

My Funny Girl

So this is what happens when mommy leaves Allison unsupervised for about 30minutes upstairs while I get things done downstairs. She found this really thick face cream that I put on her dry spots when they break out (exzema). Well, once she found it she decided she was going to apply it on herself... as well as the bathroom. She was so proud of herself too! She came running down the stairs shouting, "Mama, I put it on my lips!!" and I just dreaded what I was about to see.

I also got my lens back from Canon and was trying it out on Allie. She kept running from me and giving me funny faces instead of just sitting pretty and smiling. The joys of a 2.5 year old! I can't wait to have a newborn to photograph.


Jaidean said...

Oh man...that is too funny!!!