Allie is one of those kids who needs to nap everyday and actually loves to. She tells me its nap time and will go and sleep for 2-3 hours everyday, its great. But with this coughing, poor thing hasnt had a nap longer than 15min. since Sunday... she's exhausted. I can see the pain and agony in her eyes. Breaks me heart.
Her doctor put her on some steroids for the croup cough and the barky cough is gone now, thank God! But she has the nasty dry cough and sneezes constantly. Hopefully cough syrup will help her sleep better tonight... she really needs it! (As do Mike and I!)
The worst part is we've been stuck in the house since Saturday so we are getting pretty restless... have watched Monsters Inc. and Finding Nemo a dozen times each Im sure.
Poor thing. I know how you feel. The boys both got Croup and Bronchitious the middle of the month. Prestyn was actually hospitalized poor little guy. Hope she feels better!
Oh, I hope she is feeling better now!!! Poor thing! She is still adorable, sick and all! :)
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